From start to finish, we’ve designed a system that creates large-scale impact in the real world.
Our affordable and sustainable solution overcomes the fly ash shortage and decreases reliance on carbon-intensive Portland cement.
We believe that affordable, consistent, high-quality, and more sustainable concrete will come from true innovations in materials and technology and not from incremental improvements to the existing cement supply chain.
Terra’s production process converts affordable, abundant, and local raw materials to cementitious material that meets rigorous performance standards.
From start to finish, we’ve designed a system that creates large-scale impact in the real world.
Our affordable and sustainable solution overcomes the fly ash shortage and decreases reliance on carbon-intensive Portland cement.
Terra CO2 uses widely available silicate-based raw materials which are among the most abundant materials on Earth. Our plants are located on or near existing aggregate mine sites that are broadly found across large urban centers, reducing transportation costs and leveraging existing infrastructure. This eliminates the need to permit new mines for sourcing raw material as well as the expense of having to transport raw materials across long distances.
Learn about Our Raw materialsUsing Terra CO2’s proprietary, patent-protected, low-carbon and low NOx reactor, Terra CO2 mills its feedstocks and vitrifies them into a glassy powder suitable for blending in cement products.
Rigorously tested by independent labs certified by American Society for Testing and Materials (“ASTM”), Terra’s OPUS products are proven to meet required specifications.
OPUS products are able to blend up to 40% of cement for use in concrete and directly replace fly ash as an economically-superior substitute in many markets.
Terra CO2 has evaluated raw material feedstocks from many major industry players and our technology has been able to transform the raw material into usable SCM to directly replace Type F fly ash in concrete. Terra CO2 as well as our partners have tested and validated the concrete compositions with OPUS SCMTM and found that strength as well as other concrete specification requirements can be controlled and met.
Learn more about partnering with usTo reach scale, Terra CO2 has developed an advanced processing facility (“APF”) that produces precisely engineered supplementary cementitious material (OPUS SCM) and, in the future, our full cement replacement, OPUS ZEROTM. OPUS SCM reduces 70% of CO2 emissions and 90% of NOx of Portland Cement; OPUS ZERO completely eliminates Portland cement's carbon problem. Concrete producers can incorporate any of our market-ready OPUS products without impacting mix designs, batching, delivery, and placement of concrete.
Learn about Our Sustainability ImpactTerra CO2’s team of industry veterans has worked tirelessly to design, develop, test, and ultimately, commercialize an entirely new process for cement production. From lab scale to the soon-to-be deployed first commercial plant, Terra’s process is designed with the future in mind.
Importantly, this process also has the ability to materially improve CAPEX, OPEX, and ESG budgets through a phased, scientifically proven, and vetted approach.
Across the entire OPUS product suite, Terra CO2’s solution possesses a distinct advantage driven by CAPEX efficiency and the removal of redundant and unsustainable direct cost. We build our APF at or near the raw material source. This simplifies logistics and shortens transportation cost of both the raw material for processing as well as the final OPUS product that goes into the concrete.
Not only is Terra’s work critical for driving better margins across cement, ready mix, concrete, and mining, but more importantly, for creating a better world for future generations.
We are working with leading construction materials companies and other industry partners to decarbonize concrete and bring game-changing technology to the costly carbon emissions problem.
Interested in learning more? We’d love to talk.